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Support Local! Buy Canadian!

Support Local! Buy Canadian!

Even before the recent pandemic, there was a growing awareness and appreciation for the benefits of shopping local. That feeling only grew stronger when most of our communities went into lockdown. When we closed our borders and could no longer travel, we started seeing the world as a bit smaller; We started seeing our neighbors and hometowns more clearly.

We also started to keep our money closer to home, which is something that our ancestors used to do. For them it was a necessity born from the inability to travel great distances like we have today. For us it was because we didn’t want to face the masked crowds as Costco trying to hoard the precious rolls of toilet paper.

More and more we are noticing that something from the past few years about community has stuck in our minds, and been combined with that growing social awareness that we should be treating the environment better. Everywhere you go, cars are sporting “Support Local” bumper stickers. Farmer’s markets, fruit stands, food trucks, and flea markets are back in full swing all over Canada, in small towns, big cities, and places they've never been before.

There is wonderful hope in the idea that Canadians are choosing to buy from Canadian small businesses, Canadian farmers, and putting their trust into products that are Made in Canada. Not only does this benefit your local economy, but it also has a positive impact on the environment, community, neighborly awareness, and overall quality of life.


Supporting your local economy!

Shopping at local businesses helps keep money and cashflow within the community. When you purchase products from Canadian small businesses and farmers, you're supporting local jobs and businesses, which in turn helps to stimulate the local economy. The people that own or work at a local business tend to reinvest more money back into the local economy, as they are more likely to use local suppliers and services, as opposed to large percentages of every sale going to corporate overhead and Christmas bonuses for CEO’s in some other part of the world.

 Check out this website that helps you find farmer's markets in your area! 

Helping the Environment!

Products that are imported from other countries require transportation, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. By buying locally, you're reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and helping to support local environmental initiatives. Products that are Made In Canada are also subject to stricter standards and practices than other countries may have. The manufacturing processes in Canada might cost a touch more, but our red-tape legislature that other countries overseas may not have is there to ensure that Canada’s natural beauty is preserved and protected for our children and grandchildren.


Supporting Community Development!

When you shop at local businesses, you're supporting the development of the local community. Local businesses are often more invested in the community and participate in local events and initiatives. This helps to build a sense of togetherness and strengthens the overall fabric of the community. Whether it be the restaurant on Main street supporting the local kids hockey league, or the property taxes from those businesses going back into the local government’s budget for things like road repair and emergency services. It’s something that people often overlook!


Promoting Quality and Diversity!

A lot of products that are Made In Canada can be of higher quality than those made overseas, as Canadian regulations and standards are often stricter than those in other countries. Buying locally also promotes diversity, as local businesses often offer unique and hand-made products that cannot be found in larger, more commercial stores, where everything is mass-produced.


Helping to Preserve Culture!

Supporting local businesses and farmers helps to preserve local cultures, traditions, and styles. By purchasing products that are Made in Canada, you're supporting local artisans and producers who know their neighbors and their stories. This helps to keep these traditions alive for future generations.


There are so many reasons to preach the benefit of Shopping Local, supporting Canadian small businesses and farmers, and supporting products that are Made in Canada… more than can be talked about in a mere blog post. And just to clarify, there’s nothing wrong with shopping at Costco or the big box stores! In fact, the produce and meat on the shelves in the major supermarkets in this country come from Canadian farmers. The point of this blog is to try and open some eyes to maybe thinking more deeply about where you spend your money. What you spend your money on. And ultimately, where does your money go?

Think about it. Be a mindful consumer. You have to feed, clothe, educate, and entertain your family. How you go about that is your business! But if you can consider where and how you do that, maybe you can also take pride in supporting the local economy, helping the environment, promoting community development, promoting quality and diversity, and helping to preserve Canadian culture.


The next time you're considering purchasing a product, think about the benefits of buying locally and supporting products that are Made in Canada.

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